The undervalued yuan has been a huge factor in the United States' ballooning trade deficit.
With China far too dependent on export-driven growth,it is now extremely vulnerable to the current steep decline in global export demand.Unless that structural imbalance is fixed,China's long-term growth prospects are as bleak as those of the United States.
In fact, the artificially cheap yuan may have actually worsened the economic downturn in China, because de-incentivized the creation of a domestic economic base. Now that overseas demand has dried up, it is left feeling the consequences of this neglect.
They are now having a property bubble and the most effective way to contain consumer price and asset inflation is to hike interest rates and also the yuan's revaluation.
China is now at the mercy of the US debt instrument.
Developing countries are the major importers and consumers of China's products and these has caused steep trade imbalances as well as job losses.
The chinese yuan is currently pegged at 6.83 to a dollar since July 2005.
Barclays rose further after Abu Dhabi raised its stake in the bank to 5.2 percent by paying 1.2 billion pounds to exercise warrants it took as part of the bank's controversial emergency fundraising two years ago.
Canadian index is also bullish.
Toronto's main stock market index edged higher on Friday, marking its eighth straight rising session, as gains in energy and financial issues outweighed a slide among gold miners.
The mighty Dow Jones which got stirred in previous session given that the Fed's decision to lift the discount rate to 0.75% from 0.50% marked the first rate hike in one year, participants panicked a bit and made a knee-jerk decision to sell stocks.
Fed Chairman gave market participants a clue during his recent testimony before the House Financial Services Committee that a modest increase in the spread between the discount rate and the target federal funds rate was expected before long.
The euro zone's manufacturing sector had its best month in 2-1/2 years in February helped by German strength but the dominant service sector expanded at a slower pace than expected,.
Mexican bulls power.Mexico's peso hit an intraday high of 12.7885 per dollar -- its strongest since Jan. 21 -- but then pulled back past the strong support level of 12.80.Mexico will be reporting its fourth-quarter GDP on Monday.
Brazilian stocks edged lower on Friday while the currency gained ground against the U.S. dollar in a mixed reading of a decision by the U.S. Federal Reserve to reverse some of its monetary stimulus measures.Overall it's still in a bullish mode.
The Argentine peso closed near an eight-year low on Tuesday despite solid gains in most Latin American currencies as concerns about a new central bank administration weighed on investor sentiment.
Investors worried newly-appointed Central Bank chief Mercedes Marco del Pont may favor a weaker peso to support exporters
The overall stock market maintained its bullish stance in line with its regional peers.