Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Market carnage over.

The weak and vunerable wall street has swung far enough to the bearish side to suggest that a bottom could be close for the major indexes. Market sentiment are still showing a high degree of fear by individual investors in the marketplace as there are too many negative news sprouting out.

The latest news suggests the U.S. economy is "tilting a bit below zero," but the downturn does not appear to be severe, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President William Poole said Monday.Poole commented in a telephone interview as he winds down his decade-long career as head of the St. Louis Fed. He retires March 31.
The Dow is just inches away from the Bear main support point which is also near the 52 weeks low.A sign that the recession is about to end.When those officials start harping about the word recession,they pretty well have already known that the recession has already started since last July'07.
The closing bell on Monday ended with a four-legged doji,the navy frogmen are about to ascend from beneath the sea with their retrieval of precious sunken treasures.Uncle Ben will announce to the market what share of incentives he's going to give to investors from the treasures now in his vault

wow!!!the three black crow.They have descended down to finish eating the carcass of the subprime garbage mess.
The surrounding homes are now clean and conducive for a new beginning.
The eagles will be preying on these scavengers and will be flying higher and higher.