Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Develop a Love & respect for trading!

1) Concentrate on the process that creates winning not the result of winning.

2) Make money & decisions from your skills,not your ability to see thru a crystal ball.Never predict the market.Invest time developing the skills and abilities necessary to profit from the environment.

3) It is never the markets---it is always you.Statistics & society may predict,but you alone determine whether you will succeed or fail.You alone are in control take responsibility for your performance & your life.There are always tremendous opportunities in the markets.It is always tremendous opportunities in the markets.It is not always what happens,it is what you do with what happens that makes the difference between profit & loss.

4)Every event holds the seed of a positive message or meaning.Seize each day & each loss & mistakes as an opportunity to learn & grow not as evidence of your inadequacy.

5) Seek to embody the true spirit of competition."to conspire together"..."never try to be better than someone else but never cease to try to be the best you can be"

6) Treat Investing as if it were farming,not cramming.---no easy shortcuts.Seek to study new methods & tools for farming your skills & understanding,not tips & predictions.

7) Develop a love & respect for trading the free markets & individual liberty & initiative---profits are just the gravy.

8) Become a voracious learner,reader & knowledge seeker.The more you learn the more you earn.

9) Do not seek riches,seek "REAL WEALTH".Real wealth is not money or material goods,it is the creative & productive force,the indomitable spirit inside everyone----KNOWLEDGE----source of feeling of certainty,confidence,abundance & security.

10) Understand & believe that investing & trading create & add real value to humankind.
The last two hours of trading saw four companies of advancing troops with no enemy fire until the last hour when all amoury and soldiers were recalled back to their barracks.It ended with a DOJI STAR.(A symbol of decision making)Looks like the captain is briefing the troops and getting replenishment for the next onslaught positively."IT'S A SPINNING BULLISH BOTTOM"
AHOy!!!!!!!IT'S A MORNING STAR,,,,,,,,captain is leading the troops.Soldiers..all system go.Let's head north and corner all weak position holders.
I'm in now,taking LONG Position for my index futures.